Business type: |
Trading Company |
Business type: |
Exporter, |
Number of employees: |
5 - 10 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro < 500.000 |
Established year: |
2005 |
Categories: |
Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Carta de Ajuste Comunicación (CAC), created in 2005, is a Spanish company which comprises a group of professionals with a wide experience in the world of communication and managerial advising. According to that , we design communication and marketing strategies, promotional events and brand image.
Not only we offer our Marketing, Communication and Promotion services to our clients companies but also we have taken out a patent on a bracelet, called “GOODMEN”. In this way, we are allowed to commerce this model in the whole European territory.
The bracelet is made of silk thread and silver, with different designs and destinied to men, women, and young people with a middle-high profile. We could offer different models of this product and it could be adapted to the needs of our clients. According to that, the bracelets can show different colours, subjects, logos, etc.
We are creating new models everyday, but we identify our image with the flags of the 25 european countries. According to that, we consider is a very appropiated product to promote the World Cup now in Germany.
Our bracelets are made of silk thread of different colours and 4 gr. of silver per product. Moreover, its PVC inside material made the bracelet be flexible and adaptable to the wrist. This product is very succesful in Spain, that why I consider it will be in the rest of Europe.
Address data
Street: | 6, CAÑO Street |
City: | Cordoba |
Postal code: | 14001 |
Country: | Spain |
Phone: | +34 957 497969 |
Fax: | +34 957 497931 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Carmina Serrano |
Phone: | +34 957 497969 |